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. :  04200800023/0040
:  23
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:  2008
:   .. / . 23. .: , 2008. .126-136.
:  , ,
(.):  finite automata, conflict, binary relations
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Semen Yuditsky, Institute of Control Sciences of RAS, Moscow, Doctor of Science, professor (499) 783-2085, vladislavlev@rambler.ru).

Abstract: This paper proposes finite automata approach to the identification and resolution of conflicts in organizational systems which synthesize "linguistic technique" of the game theory and its extensions and methods of finite automata theory. In terms of finite automata, we form sequences of all possible states (configurations) system of interacting agents, which reflects the state of the structure of relations between agents and structure of agents relations to external factors, in discrete points of time. This provides an opportunity to formulate a general picture of the conflict and examine possible scenarios for its resolution. In implementing the game, the agent (in response to a competitor action) gets the opportunity to choose his own actions to achieve his goals through the finite automata based model.
The paper considers the automata based model that shows the dynamics of the binary relations between game agents.


: 6989, : 1491, : 8.

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