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(: 4697, : 5428, : 60)
Goubko (Gubko) M. V. Algorithms to Construct Suboptimal Organization Hierarchies // Automation and Remote Control. V. 70, No 1, pp 147-162, 2009. (translation from Russian)
(: 5480, : 1979, : 6)
Goubko (Gubko) M. V. Control of Organizational Systems with Network Interaction of Agents. II. Stimulation Problems // Automation and Remote Control. V. 65, No 9, pp 1470-1485, 2004. (translation from Russian)
(: 5036, : 1581, : 10)
Goubko (Gubko) M. V. Control of Organizational Systems with Network Interaction of Agents. I. A Review of Network Game Theory // Automation and Remote Control. V. 65, No 8, pp 1276-1291, 2004. (translation from Russian)
(: 5239, : 3964, : 11)
Goubko (Gubko) M. V. Mathematical Models of Formation of Rational Organizational Hierarchies // Automation and Remote Control. V. 69, No 9, pp 1552-1575, 2008. (translation from Russian)
(: 5218, : 1706, : 16)
Goubko (Gubko) M. V., Karavaev A. P. Coordination of Interests in the Matrix Control Structures // Automation and Remote Control. V. 62, No 10, pp 1658-1672, 2001. (translation from Russian)
(: 5139, : 4184, : 14)
Goubko (Gubko) M. V. The Search for Optimal Organizational Hierarchies with Homogeneous Manager Cost Functions // Automation and Remote Control. V. 69, No 1, pp 89-104, 2008. (translation from Russian)
(: 5324, : 3635, : 11)
Goubko (Gubko) M. V. Structure of the Optimal Organization of a Continuum of Executives // Automation and Remote Control. V. 63, No 12, pp 1966-1979, 2002. (translation from Russian)
(: 5234, : 14111, : 13)
Goubko M. V., Danilenko A. I. An automated routine for menu structure optimization // Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems, Berlin, Germany, June 19-23, 2010. p. 67-76. (acceptance rate 29%)
(: 6269, : 3028, : 8)
Goubko M. V. Models of Network Formation Game Control // Game Theory and Management. Collected abstracts of papers, presented in the IV International Conference "Game Theory and Management", Gradual School of Management, SPbU, 2010. pp. 64-67.
(: 7916, : 1183, : 10)
Goubko M.V. Incentives and Agents' Cooperation: Complete Information Framework / Accepted to XIV International Conference on Systems Science, Wroclaw, Poland, 11-14 September 2001.
(: 5115, : 1199, : 5)
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