Renegotiation in finitely repeated games

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Rationalizable strategic behavior

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Choice among wage-hours packages: an empirical investigation of male labor supply

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Game theory and the social contract

:  Binmore K. G.
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Perfect equilibria in bargaining models

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Enhancing productivity trough project management

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Does Competition Kill Corruption?

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Renegotiation and the dynamics of contract design

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Straightforward elections, unanimity and phantom voters

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:  Non-manipulable direct revelation social choice functions are characterized for societies where the space of alternatives is a euclidean space and all voters have separable star-shaped preferences with a global optimum. If a non-manipulable choice function satisfies a weak unanmity-respecting condition (which is equivalent to having an unrestricted range) then it will depend only on voters' ideal points. Further, such a choice function will decompose into a product of one-dimensional mechanisms in the sense that each coordinate of the chosen point depends only on the respective coordinate of the voters' ideal points. Each coordinate function will also be non-manipulable and respect unanimity. Such one-dimensional mechanisms are uncompromising in the sense that voters cannot take an extreme position to influence the choice to their advantage. Two characterizations of uncompromising choice functions are presented. One is in terms of a continuity condition, the other in terms of \phantom voters\, i.e. those points which are chosen which are not any voter's ideal point. There are many such mechanisms which are not dictatorial. However, if differentiability is required of the choice function, this forces it to be either constant or dictatorial. In the multidimensional case, non-separability of preferences leads to dictatorship, even if preferences are restricted to be quadratic.
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Samurai accountant: a theory of auditing and plunger

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Theory of moves

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Hierarchies of beliefs and common knowledge

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Employee attitudes and employee performance

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Project characteristics that influence the implementation of Project Management techniques: a survey

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Problems of optimum distribution of resources

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:  The optimum distribution of a limited quantity of resources, is one of the most important trend in the theory of network planning and of control. Problems of an optimum distribution of resources, are in principle extremal problems of combinational type. At present there are no effective and accurate methods for the solution of such problems. A satisfactory developed theory exists only for the problems where ordering of the network events is assumed. The paper considers basic results and methods of optimum distribution of resources, when the network events are ordered.

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Problemy optymalnego rozdziału ograniczonych zasobów są jednym z najważniejszych kierunków teorii sterowania i planowania sieciowego. Optymalny rozdział zasobów jest w zasadzie zagadnieniem ekstremalnym typu kombinatorycznego. Obecnie nie ma efektywnych i dokładnych metod rozwiązywania takich zagadnień. Wystarczająco opracowana jest jedynie teoria dotycząca zagadnień, w których zakłada się uporządkowanie zdarzeń sieci. W pracy niniejszej rozpatrzono
podstawowe wyniki i metody optymalnego rozdziału zasobów uzyskane przy założeniu, że zdarzenia sieci są uporządkowane.

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Stimulation and decision-making in the active systems theory: review of problems and new results

:  Burkov V. N. / Enaleev A. K.
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:  Burkov V.N., Enaleev A.K. Stimulation and decision-making in the active systems theory: review of problems and new results // Mathematical Social Sciences. 1994. Vol. 27. P. 271 291.
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Fairplay in control of active systems

:  Burkov V. N. / Lerner A. .
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:  Burkov V.N., Lerner A. Ya. Fairplay in control of active systems / Differential games and related topics. Amsterdam, London: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1971. P. 164 168.
:  Large-scale manmachine systems incorporate subsystems whose goals do not generally coincide with the of the system. A single man or a group of people make a subsystem actively maximize its objective function by reporting the information on its model (in other words on its potential) to an external control unit. Besides the subsystem has certain information on the strategy applied by the external control unit and by other subsystems and uses this information in its own interests. This lecture is concerned with control of such active systems that incorporate men and groups of people that are after their own goals. The control problem is to find an optimal plan for the system so that the subsystems plans be also optimal. A solution of the control problem based on the fair play principle is proposed. This principle largely recognizes the active nature of the subsystems.

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Hitchhikers guide to Project Management

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Human resource management

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Information mirages in experimental asset markets

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Incentives, motivation and economic information

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Theory of wages and employment

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A general characterization of optimal income tax enforcement

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Corruption in tax administration

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Involuntary unemployment and implicit contracts

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Soft systems methodology in action

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Fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making: methods and applications

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An analysis of costs overruns on defense acquisition contracts

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The estimate at complete problem: a review of three studies

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A review of cost/schedule control systems criteria literature

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