Mookherjee D

:  Mookherjee D
:  8
:  26976
:  1011
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Dilip Mookherjee, Stefan Reichelstein. Incentives and Coordination in Hierarchies // Advances in Theoretical Economics, No 1, V 1(2001)
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Melumad N., Mookherjee D., Reichelstein S. Hierarchical Decentralization of Incentive Contracts. The RAND Journal of Economics/ Vol. 26, No. 4, Syposium of the Economics of Organization (Winter, 1995), 654-672
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Melumad N., Mookherjee D. Delegation as commitment: the case of income tax audits // Rand Journal of Economics. 1989. Vol. 20. P. 139 - 163.
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Meyer M., Mookherjee D. Incentives, compensation and social welfare // Review of Economic Studies. 1987. Vol. 54. N. 2. P. 209 226.
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Mookherjee D. Involuntary unemployment and worker moral hazard // Rev. of Econ. St. 1986. V. 53. 176. P. 739 - 754.
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Mookherjee D. Optimal incentive schemes with many agents // Review of Economic Studies. 1984. Vol. 51. 2. P. 433 446.
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Mookherjee D., Png I.P.L. Corruptible law enforcers: how they should be compensated? // The Economic Journal. 1995. Vol. 105. 1. P.145 - 159.
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Mookherjee D., Png I.P.L. Optimal auditing, insurance and redistribution // Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1989. Vol. 104. P. 399 - 415.
(: 2894, : 0, : 0)

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