Fudenberg D

:  Fudenberg D
:  8
:  30213
:  2189
:  30

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Fudenberg D., Tirole J. Game theory. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1995. 579 .
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Myerson R. B. Game theory. Harvard university press, 1991.
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Fudenberg D., Holmstrom B., Milgrom P. Short-term contracts and long-term agency relationship // J. of Econ. Theory. 1990. V. 52. N 1. P. 194 206.
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Fudenberg D., Kreps D. Reputation in the simultaneous play of multiple opponents // Review of economic studies. 1987. Vol. N 4. P. 541 568.
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Fudenberg D., Levine D., Maskin E. The Folk theorem with imperfect public information // Econometrica, 1994. Vol. 62. N 5. P. 997 1039.
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Fudenberg D., Tirole J. Moral hazard and renegotiation in agency contracts // Econometrica. 1990. V.58. N 6. P. 1279 1319.
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Fudenberg D., Tirole J. Sequential bargaining with incomplete information // Rev. of Econ. St. 1983. V. 50. N 2. P. 221 247.
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